Currently we offer direct dials and email address of key decision makers India region (26M+) and UAE (150k+). We aim to add global data soon.
Get phone number and email addresses of decision-makers using our LinkedIn email finder chrome extension.
To get started with Kipplo, simply sign up and install the LinkedIn email finder on your browser.
Find and track potential business leads on LinkedIn and add it to your Kipplo dashboard .
You are all set! Start your LinkedIn pitch mails and business conversations with complete confidence.
Access the most updated phone number of top decision-makers worldwide.
Achieve a 95% inbox placement rate using KIPPLO's data.
Obtain contact information by hovering over LinkedIn profiles and selecting the desired options.
Our data complies with all major data privacy laws, including GDPR, CCPA, and more.
Give Kipplo chrome extension a try and use your free credits every month to add more leads to your sales quota!
Kipplo LinkedIn contact finder is an extension that is used to gather contact information of professionals or businesses on LinkedIn.
Get verified contacts from Linkedin and
connect instantly!