
Currently, we offer direct dials and email addresses of key decision-makers for India region. We’re aiming to incorporate global data in near future.

Terms and Conditions

Last updated : 15, August, 2023

This is a legal agreement between you (licensee) and Kipplo Inc. These terms govern your access and usage of Kipplo products and services. Please note that we provide our services on diverse platforms. As we help companies identify company profiles, we may keep your information in our Kipplo’s database, accessible through API, browser extension, and Kipplo’s website on a “software as a service” basis.

Your Account

Here are the mandatory fields that you must qualify to be able to use our services:

  1. You must be 18 years of age
  2. Create an account on our service pages by providing complete contact and billing information.
  3. Agree to our terms
You may be issued an account by your workplace, educational institution, or any other entity. If allocated an account, further restrictions and regulations regarding the use and access to our products and services may be imposed. You are not permitted to share your account password with any other person or entity. In case you compromised your password, you can contact our staff for assistance in restoring normalcy.
Changes to the service

We have the right to alter the features and functioning of the services at any time, with or without previous notice. Changes may include deleting, adding, or changing elements of our services. We may even suspend our operations entirely. Furthermore, we may apply or change our service prices for newly added or existing features.

Your License to the service

You can access our services purely for your personal and internal business purposes. The permission to save, publish, or duplicate our data is only for your personal and business use. You may not resell, disseminate, or generate any other type of income by utilizing our services. We may take legal action if you create a new service, toolset, or dataset utilizing our services, whether aggregated or non-aggregated form.

Our data sources

Kipplo collects data from publicly available sources, and the data collection procedure complies with all data privacy regulations across the world. We provide our users more control over their data. We collect data from a variety of publicly available sources such as newspapers, press releases, magazines, and more, and we make every effort to provide the sources of the data that we have acquired. However, owing to technological reasons, some data sources may be hard to discover, in such case we grant the user complete power and control over his or her data. That is, the user has the option of removing their data from Kipplo’s database in part or whole.

Restrictions on use of Output data

You agree not to use our services in a certain way. You agree not to use our services as:

  1. Do not violate any applicable law (federal, state or international) in the US.
  2. You must not violate the US, CAN-SPAM law of 2003 or the Canadian Anti-Spam legislation law or the US, TCPA.
  3. You must not use the output data to advertise, promote any goods and services (or any other forms of communication) that are illegal in the place offered for consumers.
  4. You must not use our output data to advertise or promote adult services (pornography and escort services) tobacco, counterfeit, or any other illegal product or services.
  5. Our output data must not be used to deceive, defraud or mislead anyone.
  6. We can take legal actions if we find that our data is being used to promote any form violence or promote any form of hate speech, racisms, harassment or discrimination.
Restriction of use on email services

Below mentioned are some of the practices that are considered as violation of our policy. However, theses use cases are subjected to change.

  1. Sending an email from a mass distribution email, for instance, hello@ or marketing@ etc.
  2. Not including the op-out option while disseminating the email campaign or failing to comply with the data privacy laws
  3. Using fictional identity to carry out commercial operation using our output data
  4. Send out emails that generate unacceptable bounce rates
  5. Send out email that generate unacceptable level of spam or complaints
  6. Send out email that contain or links to any form of malicious software programs, Trojan, Viruses or any form of harmful software
  7. If you know anyone or suspect someone might be violating our services you can notify us support@kipplo.com
Additional restriction on use of your service and your account
  1. Allow any other person to use your account or share account details like username and password with others.
  2. Transmit fake information through our services
  3. Impersonate any organization or individual or otherwise misinterpret your affiliation with person or entity.
  4. Accessing the service that exceeds your authority, like the server, accounts or email networks where you are denied access.
  5. Extracting data from our service that exceeds your authority may violate our policies whether the policy was communicated verbally or as a recorded document. For instance, you must not use any other engines, tools or intelligent agents to navigate a portion of our platform other than search engines and search agents made available to you through our service.
  6. Kipplo’s unlimited plans include a fair use policy to prevent abuse. Paying accounts have a 5,000 credit limit per month, unless specified differently in a separate agreement.
Arbitration, class action waiver and applicable law
Arbitration and class action waiver
  1. Federal Arbitration Act. You hereby agree the interstate commerce is affected by the Terms of Services and the interpretation and arbitration provisions is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.
  2. Initial Dispute Resolution: Resolve most disputes without resorting to litigation. Both the parties (you and us), whoever is initiating a lawsuit or arbitration, hereby agree to settle any claims or dispute in a reasonable manner.
  3. Binding Arbitration. If we fail to have an agreed-upon solution within 10 days from the dispute being informally initiated then under the Initial Dispute Resolution provision above, then we both agree to resolve the dispute by arbitration.
  4. Governing Attribution Rules: JAMS’s binding shall settle all disputes submitted to arbitration in line with JAMS’s rules.  Only the arbitrator, not any federal, state, or local court, has the power to resolve any disagreement or claim arising from the interpretation, application, enforceability, or formulation of the terms and services. Only a court has the authority to decide whether or not the Class Action Waiver is valid and enforceable.
  5. If you are a US resident, the arbitration can take place anyplace in the US that is convenient for you. For residents outside the United States, the arbitration will be held in San Francisco County, California.
  6. Class Action Waiver: The parties agree that the arbitration will take place only in their individual capacities. Both parties have the option of filing a class action, seeking relief, or joining or serving as a member of a class action.
  7. 30-day right to opt-out – You may opt out of this version of Section 18 by filling the opt-out form. In relation to Section 18, you have the right to seek legal advice. You understand that by opting out of Section 18, you waive your right to retaliation.
Term and Termination

When you start using our services, the agreement between you and Kipplo begins. The agreement will last as long as you have an account on any of our services or website; or until we terminate your account. We can terminate your account anytime, with or without cause by providing third-party notice.


Kipplo owns all ownership rights to the title, interest, and propriety rights, including any trademark, service mark, and other intellectual property rights. If you have given your feedback or written the scope of improvement for the website, you thus assign to Kipplo all rights, titles, interests, and property Rights in the Feedback. You own or have power over the content, data, and other information given to Kipplo when using the company’s products and services. The material, content, data, and other information given to Kipplo will undoubtedly be yours under any circumstances.  

Rules and restriction
  • You must not access data not intended for your use
  • You must not probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the system at any cost
  • You must not attempt to breach the security measures without authorization
  • You must not send any spammy material
  • You must not infringe the third-party data that may interfere with the third-party data privacy policy
  • You don’t have the right to co-brand or provide the services to any third-party
  • You cannot transfer your account to another person or entity without the consent of the company
  • You will not purchase, rent, or use third-party lists of the email address.
  • You must prepare all the necessary data to lawfully transfer any form of data to Kipplo
  • You must not disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the data from Kipplo to cause harm
  • You must not log on to a server or an account that you are not authorized to access

In addition to the means and circumstances of contact listed in our privacy statement, we could get in touch with you if:

  • You violate the terms and conditions of usage of our services
  • You engage in actions that are forbidden in relation to our services, you will be asked to stop using our services.

The webpage might have clerical and typographical flaws that make it erroneous. Kipplo is under no responsibility to update or correct any inaccuracies in the website or any of its content. The content on the website is not guaranteed by Kipplo to be reliable, accurate, or comprehensive. You acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and will not rely on any opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information. In its sole discretion, Kipplo has the right to amend or correct any mistakes or omissions in any part of the website. The content on the website is provided solely for informative purposes and should not be regarded as professional advice or technical knowledge. The legality of these “terms and conditions” shall be preserved even if any term is declared to be unenforceable by any competent judicial body, as long as the unenforceability has no effect on the parties.


By using Kipplo websites and services you consent to our privacy policy


Upon acceptance of these Terms, and the accompanying Purchase Orders issued, the parties have entered into a legally binding and valid agreement that is enforceable against the other party. The execution and delivery of the agreement are not a violation of any applicable law, rule, or regulation. As a further representation and warranty, the Licensee guarantee that he or she is not a data broker.


You undertake to indemnify and keep Kipplo, including its stakeholders, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, and agents, free from any claim, loss, responsibility, or damage arising directly or indirectly from a violation of the terms and conditions.

Equitable relief

Your violation of the Terms may result in irreversible damage to Kipplo. In the event that you break the Terms, we have the right to seek injunctive remedies.

Additional remedy of termination

If you fail to comply with the Terms and Conditions, your account may be terminated, and we retain the right to demand an immediate return of the data and the removal of the changes made to our services.

No assignment by you

Without Kipplo’s prior written authorization, you may not transfer your account privileges to another person or business. We retain the right to take legal action in response to such actions.

Governing Law; Jurisdiction

Any matter pertaining to these terms and conditions shall be governed under the laws of Leander, Texas court. Your consent will be submitted in the sole jurisdiction of Williamson County and Travis County, Texas. You consent to the sole jurisdiction over any legal disputes and waive any challenges to the venue of any such proceedings therein.

Promotional use

We retain the right to use your business’s name in our advertising activities as a reference. For example, we may reference your firm’s name for one of our most successful clients. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, please contact us at support@kipplo.com and request that we remove your contact address or stop your company name as a reference.


Kipplo has the right to amend the terms and conditions at any moment with or without your approval. The updated terms and conditions will take effect as soon as they are posted on the website or any other service page. Kipplo has the right to discontinue the product and services at any time and without notice. Please note that we reserve the right to offer refunds, concessions, and credits to our members as we see fit. The type and amount of these offerings are solely determined by us.

Entire Agreement

The terms and conditions supersede all past beliefs and knowledge you may have had about the firm, by providing all the information required for a comprehensive understanding between you and Kipplo. Only if you and Kipplo agree to the change in the terms and conditions agreement may those terms and conditions be modified. If there is a disagreement, the portion of the agreement that you were allocated before the revision will take precedence.    

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